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The Village of Tracy has contracted with NBSPCA for dog control and selling of dog tags. If residents have dog control concerns, please call NBSPCA at their toll free number 1-877-722-1522. It is answered 24/7 and an officer will respond -- https://nbspca.ca/
You can now purchase your Dog license thru NBSPCA at https://spca-nb.docupet.com/
2024 Licensing Fees are: 1 year $15.00/ 2 year $25.00/3 year $35.00.
NOTE: If you previously purchased a lifetime license for your dog, NBSPCA will honour that for a 3 year term and will upload your registration info to the DocuPet site.

Recycling pickup is every 2nd Monday of the month.
Call Fero with any recycling questions at 506-472-3376.
Garbage collection is every Friday. All garbage must be
bagged. If you have questions or would like to arrange a large
item pickup, call BMI at 506-209-0669.